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Launch, launch, and launch again

Launch, launch, and launch again
4 September 2019

If you are operating your own website or any other form of business, you ought to consider the concept of multiple, repeated launches. It’ll help you advance your business faster, and with less risk, than if you stake everything on one single launch.

Hand on heart, does the adage “Always be launching!” feature in your current business planning? If not, you should give the following article (and the video linked to further below) half an hour of your time.

The advantages of always having a launch coming up

The concept of doing lots of different launches is another way of saying that you shouldn’t spend months stressing out about every pixel on your website and every sentence describing your product. Throw out the old notion of having just one shot for launching. Instead, create a series of micro launches to celebrate new individual products and services, and/or their different features.

By doing so, you achieve the following (among others):

  • Ongoing or repeated injections of energy into your business.
  • Getting customer feedback earlier, which you can use to improve your services.
  • Cash flow pulled forward in time.
  • Avoiding the risk of staking everything on one single launch, which could go wrong for reasons entirely beyond your control.

I am not usually writing blog posts about other peoples’ blog posts. However, why re-invent the wheel if someone else has already done a perfect job?

Kat Manalac YouTube [1]

This 26-minute video of Kat Mañalac [1] talking about repeated launches at a Y Combinator event is well worth listening to if you want to learn more about the subject.

E.g., she explains the different forms a launch can take:

  • Silent launch (before you even have a website)
  • Friends & family launch
  • Stranger launch
  • Online community
  • Request access launch
  • Social media and bloggers
  • Pre-order
  • New feature
  • Press

It’s a seemingly simple idea and one that I have been using elements of already because intuition led me there. However, Kat Mañalac managed to present it in a way that broadened my perspective of the subject and inspired me to think harder about its possibilities.

As one of the commenters below her video says: “Remember kids, A.B.L.! Always be launching!”

Do you already have your next (mini) launch in your diary?

If you are still thinking of a launch as a form of Big Bang, then you’d probably benefit from watching the inspiring talk.

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